Halloween Testimony
“Should I turn my light on?”
This was the title of an article I read on line at Halloween time. The question was, should Christians be involved in any of the Halloween traditions like “Trick or Treating”? The author of the article shared that she did turn on her outside light to invite Trick or Treaters” to her home. When the little costumed children came to her door, she gave them a treat and told them that Jesus loved them. She said it was a positive way to welcome the children and for her to get to know her neighbors.
Since I recently moved from a country home, where I had no Trick or Treaters, to a “city” home where, if I turned on my outside light, I could invite them to come, I decided to embark on this “mission”. I bought two big bags of Snickers and turned my light on at 6 PM Halloween night. At 6:17 PM the first two “creatures” rang my doorbell and at 8:17 PM the last of 30 children had received treats and a “Jesus Loves You “!
Here are some of the responses to that statement:
“We know,”
“Jesus loves you, too.”
One girl turned and yelled back, “Merry Christmas!”
They all said“Thank You” and I don’t know if they were thanking me for the treat or for telling them that Jesus loved them. I choose to believe the latter!