The History of the Wednesday Prayer Time
Prayer has always been the foundation at The Worship Center. There has been prayer at the church, prayer groups in peoples homes and people praying individually. The Wednesday morning prayer time was started about 15 years ago. I heard a message on prayer that used the illustration from an old west movie where the wagon train would circle their wagons around to protect their women, children, and valuables.....and that is what prayer was meant to do....protect. In this case, it was speaking of the local church, pastors and families and leaders. I felt a "charge" to get something going! I could see how vulnerable our church and leaders could be. Doris Kinyon was with me at the time, and I told her, "I don't know a lot about prayer, but I have had experience getting people together." She was encouraging. So I began to read and study and talk to Pastor John and of course he is always for prayer. So we started on Wednesday mornings. I felt the Lord gave some instructions for this prayer time.
- We were to meet at the church
- We were to pray over the foundation of TWC, that God had a purpose for this time and this place.
- That we would always start by reading some scriptures
The Wednesday prayer time is different from the Sunday morning prayer time. On Sunday morning, the focus is for the service and the people's hearts and whatever concern Pastor has. On Wednesday, it's almost like a business meeting with an agenda. First we read the Word. Everyone who comes, has come from personal duties and concerns and as we read the Word, we are establishing ourselves on a firm foundation....getting our hearts and minds and spirits tuned up to pray. We have our pastors' names on cards with scriptures. The same with all the departments of the church...youth, children, outreaches, TWC marriages, church finances, personal finances, the Lost, Israel, and for our president and those in authority in DC. Even though we have an agenda, we strive to have the flow of the Holy Spirit. We pray and sing in the Spirit and follow His lead. One person may be led to a scripture, one a spiritual or known song, or a picture...all of that helps us pray. After we have prayed for the leadership, we have a group of cards that has concerns within TWC family. Then another group of cards of concerns outside TWC family. And another group of cards of answered prayer as we know it!
Everyone is welcome to come. 10am Wednesday in the conference room.